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Date & Time Calculator(Finder)

4.2 ( 8832 ratings )
Biznes Narzędzia Produktywność
Desenvolvedor: SACHIN SABU
0.99 USD

Find how many days are there for your holiday trip or find weekdays and weekends between two dates.
It will help you to add or subtract Years Months or days to a particular date Which means no need to look at the calendar to figure out 90 days from today.

This app has an hour and minutes calculator so that you dont have to convert the time into its decimal parts every time in a regular calculator to figure out your working hours.

The weekdays and weekends between two dates is a feature that could come in handy if you have to meet deadlines and figure out how many actual days you could work between those two dates.

Find local time in different cities using time zones feature

So this app has multiple features that will help you with your calculations with dates, time, years etc.

Share what you find with your friends & colleagues using the share button, Easier navigation to switch between features.